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A Self-Assessment Tool For Identifying Mobility Needs

A Self-Assessment Tool For Identifying Mobility Needs

It may be time for a mobility assessment and a face-to-face mobility evaluation with your doctor if you cannot perform your mobility-related activities of daily living (MRADLs)  safely and independently in your home.

A mobility assessment tool may be as simple as a few key questions to help determine personal mobility requirements. One may investigate specific mobility aids, such as power scooters and electric wheelchairs, using information they gather from self-reported replies.

Self-Assessment Mobility Questions

1. Identifying Personal Mobility Requirements

2. Examining The Situation At Home

3. Evaluating Mobility Aids That Aren’t Powered

4. Assessment Of Mobility Scooter/Power Wheelchair

Power Wheelchairs Assist With Mobility

With the correct equipment, you can know how to improve your comfort, expand your freedom, and revitalize your own mobility needs.

It is important to note that:

Insurance most likely will not cover your wheelchair ramp. However, you may require the need purchasing authorization, for insurance purposes.  Hence, contact your medical insurance company for more information.

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