White Claws is extremely popular. This millennial favorite is lighter and more refreshing than beer or other strong spirits. To top it off, it has a low-calorie count. As a result, White Claw has become extremely popular, particularly among young adults. However, there is one issue on many people’s minds: how many white claws to get drunk? Many aficionados of the drink believe that because White Claw does not appear or taste like other alcoholic beverages, they will not get as intoxicated if they consume a large amount of it. This is a completely false assumption.

What exactly are White Claws?

Of course, before we discuss how many white claws to get drunk? let us first define White Claws. Why do so many people select it as a means of self-expression? White Claws is the most widely available hard seltzer on the market. This well-known brand, which debuted in 2016, now controls more than half of the hard seltzer market. It has surpassed the threshold of being a best-seller.

Instead of being a type of vodka or beer, as many legends claim, White Claws is a flavored malt beverage (FMB) or boozy carbonated water in different forms. According to White Claw’s website, this drink is prepared from a blend of gluten-free seltzer water and a dash of fruit flavor and has 95 calories and 4.5 percent alcohol by volume per 330ml cup. White Claws is so popular that even bartenders and alcohol distributors across the country say they can’t keep enough of it on the shelves. Who would have guessed, just a few years ago, that this flavored malt beverage would be so popular? Isn’t it even more intriguing if you knew how many white claws to get drunk? 

How Many White Claws Before You Can Get Drunk?

How many white claws to get drunk? To begin, you must first grasp the concept of BAC. Your BAC, or blood alcohol concentration, is used to determine the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeds.08, you are considered legally intoxicated in the United States. This means that for every 100 milliliters of blood, you have.08 grams of alcohol. The number of alcoholic beverages required to reach a blood alcohol concentration of.08 percent is determined by various factors, including the type of alcohol consumed, the amount of alcohol in the drink, your age, weight, height, alcohol tolerance, and how quickly your body processes alcohol.

Your BAC, on the other hand, rises by.02 percent for every standard drink you consume. So, what is a typical drink? A typical drink comprises 14 grams of pure alcoholic beverage. It is the same as 12 ounces of beer with 5% ABV (alcohol by volume), 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 40% ABV distilled spirits. If you do the arithmetic, you will need roughly four standard drinks to attain a BAC of.08.

So, what about White Claw? how many white claws to get drunk? To get at an approximation, we must first determine how much alcohol is present in White Claw. Drinkers who want to avoid getting a beer belly favor White Claw. A 12-ounce can of White Claw includes only 100 calories and 2 grams of sugar, compared to 140 calories and 11 grams of sugar in the average beer. White Claw is gluten-free and available in a variety of fruity flavors.

White Claw, on the other hand, just because it tastes better and has fewer calories, does not mean it has less alcohol. White Claw contains a 5% ABV in a 12-ounce can, which is the same amount of alcohol as a typical bottle or can of beer. This means that if it takes four beers to get a BAC of.08, White Claws will almost certainly take the same length of time. To obtain a BAC of.08, it normally takes 4 to 5 cans of White Claws. Again, this is only a rough estimate because the precise amount depends on your body’s metabolism and how it processes alcohol.

Why Do You Get Drunk Quicker When You Drink White Claw?

Many White Claw lovers are unaware that White Claw is more potent than other alcoholic beverages at getting people inebriated. There are many reasons why this could be the case. The following are some of the reasons why drinking this harsh seltzer may cause you to become inebriated more quickly.

White Claws with a Fruity Flavor

Many people loathe the taste of beer or wine, which is why they only drink one or two servings. White Claw offers a variety of fruity flavors, including lime, raspberry, grapefruit, and black cherry. It is easier to complete a can of White Claw than it is to finish a can of flavored cola or juice since it’s pleasant and refreshing. Some drinkers then lose track of how many cans they’ve consumed, causing them to become inebriated more quickly.

Trendy Image of White Claw

Because it was marketed as a cool and “healthier” alternative to other alcoholic beverages, White Claw became extremely popular among young adults. However, few people are aware that it has the same amount of alcohol as a regular beer.

White Claw is absorbed in the Blood Quickly

Do you know that carbonated beverages are absorbed into the bloodstream faster than non-carbonated beverages? While it’s true that drinking White Claw keeps you hydrated and helps you avoid a hangover, one doctor argues that carbonated hard seltzers like White Claw can make you get intoxicated faster. Even though White Claw is a hard seltzer, it is still an alcoholic beverage. It has the same amount of alcohol as a standard beer. This means that consuming White Claw will get you inebriated. Drinking harsh seltzers like White Claw is not suggested if you are recovering from alcohol addiction.

Calculator for how many how many white claws to get drunk 

To figure out how many white claws to get drunk? or whether you’re above 0.05 percent BAC, simply multiply the number of hours since your first White Claws by one. Meanwhile, it takes 4 to 5 cans of White Claws on average to get a.08 BAC.