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How Much Do Employee Engagement Surveys Cost?

Employee engagement surveys are a proven and common way to find out just what your team think about their work environment and culture, and they can be a vital way to ensure improvement in your business’s workplace. Because of this you need a comprehensive survey at a reasonable price. So how much does this cost?

In House

The first question you need to answer is whether to go in-house with your survey, instead of using a third-party company. Conducting your own survey can save money upfront, and there are many companies that provide survey software, often on a monthly subscription basis.

The average price for this is in the region of £15-£20 per month. Just remember, though, that you will also have to use company time and resources to carry out your survey.

Professional Companies

There are many companies, such as Protostar UK, who create and conduct employee surveys, and they can do a much more thorough job than can often be achieved in-house. It’s also preferable to use an outside company if the questions being asked are sensitive, as many people will be unwilling to provide truthful answers if they know the survey is being handled by their company, third party companies will guarantee anonymity.

Employee Engagement Survey Tips + Sample Questions | Built In

These companies know what questions need to be asked to get the results needed, and they can compile surveys that are concise and direct enough, with pertinent questions to get truthful answers from those surveyed.

How much does this cost? Prices vary depending how many employees are being surveyed, but average prices are £10-£20 per person, with prices going lower the more are surveyed.

So, What are You Paying?

That depends on the kind of survey and the kind of service. Multiple choice questions are an effective way to collect data and make it easier to correlate. If you want more options, such as opinion boxes, then it will cost more to collect all the data.

The bigger you go with a survey, the more it will cost overall, but there is an economy of scale, as it becomes cheaper per head the more people are surveyed. Go for the biggest survey possible to get a sample that’s truly representative. If you can survey all of your workforce then do so, as this is the best way to ensure that all concerns can be heard.