Categories Automotive

The Advantages Of Electric Scooters

The electric scooter has become a symbol of modern urban transportation. They’re common in large cities like Paris, Madrid, and San Francisco. It appears the trend will only continue to rise. Although we think this recent boom in popularity is great, we cannot deny that there are many who remain unconvinced. Do you fall into that category? Perhaps we can convince you!

1. Portability

Electric Scooter battery is perhaps the most portable model of powered personal transportation, only surpassed by folding bikes. While many people would like assisted forms of transportation, they find them too cumbersome or too technical to be practical. The best thing about motorbikes is that they can be ridden without a license and insurance. While push bikes are excellent, you’ll often have to chain them up outside, and they can be stolen. They’re also much too large to be considered truly portable. The folding nature of electric scooters makes them easy to store and transport. Simply pull it along as if it were a small suitcase, and you can take it virtually anywhere. You simply unfold it at the right time and you’re ready to go!

2. Eco-Friendly

It would be impossible to write an article about electric scooters without mentioning the environment. Climate change is the defining geopolitical story of our time. Currently, electric scooters are one of the frontrunners in our collective effort to reduce emissions and find more environmentally-friendly modes of transportation. Their small electric consumption and zero emissions are better for the air quality in our cities and for the lungs of the people who live there. As a reliable, affordable, and eco-friendly form of transportation, electric scooters are unbeatable.

Is it Worth it to Buy a Used Electric Scooter?

3. Noise Pollution

Silence and touring around a city are never compatible. Any form of transportation produces a great deal of noise pollution – cars, motorbikes, buses, trains – they’re all extremely loud. If you have hard-soled shoes on, even walking can be noisy! This is where the electric scooter comes in; a whisper-quiet mode of transport that’s the fastest and quietest way to get from A to B.

You or someone you know has probably had a neighbor who works very early or very late hours, and when they arrive home late at night or early in the morning the sound of their car or motorbike is jarring. You wouldn’t hear a thing if they had an electric scooter.

4. Balance + Movement

Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles are another problem humanity faces today. Almost all of our work in offices or jobs that require a lot of sitting, and most of us drive or take the train to and from work. Modern communication technology (FaceTime, Skype, Whatsapp, etc.) enables us to socialize without actually going anywhere, movement becomes less and less necessary, and people have trouble finding time to exercise. When you use an electric scooter, you can get your body moving for shorter trips where you would normally drive or take public transportation. It is true that riding an electric scooter isn’t a replacement for a workout, but it will activate your core and improve your balance. A scooter is a great alternative to a chair if you’re looking for something a little more active.